If you’re running an online business, you know by now, that means a lot of writing…
Specifically, EMAILS.

If email marketing is part of your plan (and it should be!) but you’ve been spending more time staring at a blank page than churning out brilliant email copy, then this is for you.

If you’re running an online business, you know by now, that means a lot of writing…
Specifically, EMAILS.

If email marketing is part of your plan (and it should be!) but you’ve been spending more time staring at a blank page than churning out brilliant email copy, then this is for you.

Imagine a resource packed with every essential email you know you should be sending your list (but aren’t) with step-by-step instructions on how to make each one true to your brand, your voice, your message, and your offers.

The days of being overwhelmed and confused by figuring out what to write or what emails you should send are OVER.

Imagine a resource packed with every essential email you know you should be sending your list (but aren’t) with step-by-step instructions on how to make each one true to your brand, your voice, your message, and your offers.

The days of being overwhelmed and confused by figuring out what to write or what emails you should send are OVER.

The Email Vault:
105 Email Swipes For All Occasions
Emails for every situation you will ever need in your business.
Never write another email from scratch again!
Coming up with emails to nurture and grow your list doesn’t have to be hard OR take forever.

With The Email Vault crafting emails that connect with your audience can be FUN and EASY!
When you sign up you’ll get access to over 100 emails including: 
Ready to give ‘em what they want? No matter what fabulous freebie or goodies you have for your audience, you’ll need an email to deliver it! Your delivery emails are your first chance to make an impression and a real impact on your people…so you want them to SHINE!

With these templates, you’ll be able to quickly set up your delivery emails to be the start of a beautiful relationship with your list…so they keep coming back for more!
Would you invite someone to your party only for them to show up to an empty house? NO! Your email welcome series takes your ideal prospect from the delivery email into your world and keeps the party rolling!

With these templates, you can begin to build a real relationship with the newcomers to your list while showcasing your expertise and everything you have to offer.
Stop losing out on potential sales! How many times have you popped something into a digital cart and then gotten distracted by something else and forgotten all about it? Life happens, but if you don’t have emails set to gently remind your future buyers what they’re missing out on, you’re missing a golden opportunity!
Need a quick cash injection for your business? Flash sales are a great way to maximize an exciting opportunity at an amazing price for a limited amount of time. These templates will help you give your email subscribers amazing value and a great deal!
Before you roll out your program, product, or service, you’ll need to find some savvy folks to try it out to be sure they get the results you’re promising.

These templates will help you find people to test-drive whatever next big, beautiful thing you’re bringing into the world so you can get honest feedback, social proof, and find out what your ideal clients really want.
Ready to launch? The best strategy is to warm up your list and get them excited about what’s coming next. These email templates will get the right peeps hyped for when the cart is finally open!
Loyalty deserves rewards! Deliver those extra-special bonuses to your extra-special customers who pre-ordered with this email just for your VIPs! 
Did you know a pre-order launch can help offset the costs of your actual launch? Brilliant! This email template series is all about maximizing your potential to secure sales before your product or service is even released! Plus it gives your best and most loyal customers the chance to be the first to get their hands on the goods! 
One of the most important email series you’ll ever send, your launch emails need to hype, educate, highlight your expertise, articulate value, excite, motivate, and be a heart-to-heart conversation with your potential clients to help them make the best decision for them.

That’s a lot of heavy lifting for some emails! Don’t overthink it. Grab these templates and you’ll have everything you need for each phase of your launch and sales emails- from hype up to cart open to cart close.
The power of a white-glove onboarding process for your clients should not be overlooked! Your onboarding email series sets the tone for everything that happens next after they click that buy now button.

These templates will help you clearly communicate next steps, what they can expect, how to get the most out of their investment, and how thrilled you are to be on this journey with them!
Begin building a positive client experience that will have them raving about you to everyone they know. An email series template to help you provide the highest level of service by checking in periodically to ensure your customers, clients, and students are supported through and through.
Wondering what your audience thinks but aren’t sure how to ask? Want to know exactly what your people want from you next? These templates will help you get the feedback you need to stay on top of your game and meet your ideal clients exactly where they are!
Feel awkward letting someone know their payment didn’t go through? This template has just the right words.
Has it been a while since you’ve emailed your list? What do you write to get your subscribers super engaged again? These templates are the answer! 
What to send to get them to attend and primed for what you have to offer. Going live for a workshop, interview, training, or a Q+A? Send these emails before to boost your show-up rates!
Get people to your main event! This is the series to pump people up and get them to register for your webinar. You’ll come back to these templates, again and again, every time you’ve got something new to teach or offer. 
What do you send after someone’s registered for your webinar? This series of emails takes your registrant from confirmation to conversion (the sale, baby!).
There will come a time when you’ll want to “clean” your list, or give subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while a chance to re-engage or unsubscribe. Breaking up doesn’t have to be hard to do…if you have the right words to do it! 
Nurture emails are the real bread and butter of your email marketing strategy- they provide the sustenance for a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Use these email templates to provide massive value. Give them an experience they’ll love so they want to open each and every email you send them! 
Ready to give ‘em what they want? No matter what fabulous freebie or goodies you have for your audience, you’ll need an email to deliver it! Your delivery emails are your first chance to make an impression and a real impact on your people…so you want them to SHINE!

With these templates, you’ll be able to quickly set up your delivery emails to be the start of a beautiful relationship with your list…so they keep coming back for more!
Stop losing out on potential sales! How many times have you popped something into a digital cart and then gotten distracted by something else and forgotten all about it? Life happens, but if you don’t have emails set to gently remind your future buyers what they’re missing out on, you’re missing a golden opportunity!
Before you roll out your program, product, or service, you’ll need to find some savvy folks to try it out to be sure they get the results you’re promising.

These templates will help you find people to test-drive whatever next big, beautiful thing you’re bringing into the world so you can get honest feedback, social proof, and find out what your ideal clients really want.
Loyalty deserves rewards! Deliver those extra-special bonuses to your extra-special customers who pre-ordered with this email just for your VIPs! 
One of the most important email series you’ll ever send, your launch emails need to hype, educate, highlight your expertise, articulate value, excite, motivate, and be a heart-to-heart conversation with your potential clients to help them make the best decision for them.

That’s a lot of heavy lifting for some emails! Don’t overthink it. Grab these templates and you’ll have everything you need for each phase of your launch and sales emails- from hype up to cart open to cart close.
Begin building a positive client experience that will have them raving about you to everyone they know. An email series template to help you provide the highest level of service by checking in periodically to ensure your customers, clients, and students are supported through and through.
Feel awkward letting someone know their payment didn’t go through? This template has just the right words.
What to send to get them to attend and primed for what you have to offer. Going live for a workshop, interview, training, or a Q+A? Send these emails before to boost your show-up rates!
What do you send after someone’s registered for your webinar? This series of emails takes your registrant from confirmation to conversion (the sale, baby!).
Would you invite someone to your party only for them to show up to an empty house? NO! Your email welcome series takes your ideal prospect from the delivery email into your world and keeps the party rolling!

With these templates, you can begin to build a real relationship with the newcomers to your list while showcasing your expertise and everything you have to offer.
Need a quick cash injection for your business? Flash sales are a great way to maximize an exciting opportunity at an amazing price for a limited amount of time. These templates will help you give your email subscribers amazing value and a great deal!
Ready to launch? The best strategy is to warm up your list and get them excited about what’s coming next. These email templates will get the right peeps hyped for when the cart is finally open!
Did you know a pre-order launch can help offset the costs of your actual launch? Brilliant! This email template series is all about maximizing your potential to secure sales before your product or service is even released! Plus it gives your best and most loyal customers the chance to be the first to get their hands on the goods! 
The power of a white-glove onboarding process for your clients should not be overlooked! Your onboarding email series sets the tone for everything that happens next after they click that buy now button.

These templates will help you clearly communicate next steps, what they can expect, how to get the most out of their investment, and how thrilled you are to be on this journey with them!
Wondering what your audience thinks but aren’t sure how to ask? Want to know exactly what your people want from you next? These templates will help you get the feedback you need to stay on top of your game and meet your ideal clients exactly where they are!
Has it been a while since you’ve emailed your list? What do you write to get your subscribers super engaged again? These templates are the answer! 
Get people to your main event! This is the series to pump people up and get them to register for your webinar. You’ll come back to these templates, again and again, every time you’ve got something new to teach or offer. 
There will come a time when you’ll want to “clean” your list, or give subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while a chance to re-engage or unsubscribe. Breaking up doesn’t have to be hard to do…if you have the right words to do it! 
Nurture emails are the real bread and butter of your email marketing strategy- they provide the sustenance for a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Use these email templates to provide massive value. Give them an experience they’ll love so they want to open each and every email you send them! 

And those are just the templates. The BONUSES below will help you IMPLEMENT your email marketing plan with confidence and ease!

From easy automation (even if you’re a tech phobe!) to my personal email funnel, I’m not holding anything back here. No more wasted hours stressing over the mountains of emails you need to climb to get momentum in your business.


A sweet, GIANT PDF (over 100 pages of goodness!) that gives you a birds-eye view of the entire digital toolkit, so you always have quick access to everything you need to create email campaigns with templates that WORK
Your subject lines can make or break your open rates. Don’t lose the opportunity to get your subscribers' eyes on your stories, tips, and offers! These subject lines are like fun mad libs for your business and your message! Excite your audience with these tried and true formulas for subject lines that will get them clicking OPEN. 
You can write the best emails, but at the end of the day, if you don’t have an automated process to send them, you just become a slave to your business. Setting up email automation is how you get your business to work for you and I know it can sometimes be confusing. That’s why I created a tutorial about how to set up your automated email funnel step by step so you don’t need to stress or hire a tech guru. 
Now that you have access to the email automation tutorial, I wanted to give you even more to make it even easier to set this up for your own business. I have included an already made template of my email automation funnel. Now all you have to do is follow the directions to import it as your own and choose which emails from the vault to use. Not only that, you’ll get access to two additional emails hidden inside this template funnel that aren’t included in the main vault. 
This 48-page launch planner is worth its weight in gold! If you ever want to launch anything, this will give you the step by step breakdown of what you will need to do 60 days out from your launch till launch day. Don’t worry, I cover post launch too. Full of calendars, planners, questions, checklists, and affirmations, this launch planner will set you up for success so you have an organized, structured, and calm launch. No more messy launches.
Use these common trigger words and all the emails you send are heading straight to the Promotions, Spam, or Junk folders (and all the emails you send thereafter)… like for real. Prevent that misfortune by being intentional with your words and phrases. Can you use some of these in moderation?... Sure. But it’s best practice to avoid these as much as you can. Don’t spend time and money writing emails that people will never see because you could have changed a word or two.
In recent years, there have been many global laws around sending emails as a business. It’s important that you follow the rules and incorporate each country’s laws into your email strategy if you will be sending emails to a global audience.

Get informed and put best practices into place so you can operate with professionalism, honesty, and integrity!
This could be your story too... 
As a happiness and mindset coach, I know how important connection is. But as a busy mom to twins while running a business, I sometimes forget to write and send emails.

I know my emails are not doing well because I'm not consistent and I just don't know what to write. MELISS' EMAIL VAULT helped me revive an old email list and not feel embarrassed that it had been so long! It felt like Meliss was reading my mind! How did she know I needed this so badly!?

This was exactly what I needed at this time and now I can nurture my subscribers and feel like an expert in my niche again. Meliss makes this so easy because all I have to do is copy/paste and fill in the blanks to make it unique. YOU NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT WHAT TO WRITE OR THINK. It's all done for you. Thank you so much Meliss!

Jacquiline Hamilton


You know that writing and sending emails is an essential part of your marketing plan. But…
Maybe you’ve been stuck staring at an empty Google Doc wondering what to write…when to send it…how many emails to send…in what order…the list goes on…

Or been so crunched for time that it feels like there is just NO WAY you can write hundreds of emails from scratch…

So maybe you should hire a copywriter? But…for the volume of emails and the big plans you have for your business, a 5-figure investment in a professional just isn’t feasible right now.

If figuring out the whole email thing feels like a struggle… you are so not alone.

The truth is, you're not alone.

The truth is, you're not alone.

There are 3 main struggles most entrepreneurs deal with when trying to execute an email marketing strategy…

  • WHAT. As a coach/healer/entrepreneur, I know you have an important message to share with the world. But, figuring out exactly WHAT to share to make an impact (and more sales!) can be super overwhelming. 
  • WHEN. Even when you’re focused on just the email strategy, there are still multiple series to write and deliver based on when and why someone signs up for your list. In order to use your time efficiently you need to have an understanding of WHEN to send specific things to maximize your efforts.  
  • HOW. Planning, writing, and scheduling emails are a few things that seem straightforward but without a step-by-step process and templates to follow they can easily keep getting ignored and re-written onto your to-do list.
Does this feel true to you?
If so, I have good news.
The Email Vault will provide you with step-by-step guidance to take strategic action and every template you need to get maximum results with your email marketing!
The Email Vault:
105 Email Swipes For All Occasions
Emails for every situation you will ever need in your business.
Never write another email from scratch again!
A comprehensive digital toolkit full of tutorials and templates to efficiently and consistently create meaningful emails that nurture, connect, and convert.
What’s included in The Email Vault?


Delivery Emails [3 emails]

Ready to give ‘em what they want? No matter what fabulous freebie or goodies you have for your audience, you’ll need an email to deliver it! Your delivery emails are your first chance to make an impression and a real impact on your people…so you want them to SHINE!

With these templates, you’ll be able to quickly set up your delivery emails to be the start of a beautiful relationship with your list…so they keep coming back for more!


  • Connect with your audience 
  • Write emails that inspire action
  • Learn how to stand out in a crowded inbox


Welcome Series [5 emails]

Would you invite someone to your party only for them to show up to an empty house? NO! Your email welcome series takes your ideal prospect from the delivery email into your world and keeps the party rolling!

With these templates, you can begin to build a real relationship with the newcomers to your list while showcasing your expertise and everything you have to offer.



  • Your first chance to build the like, know, trust factor
  • Learn how to show up and get noticed 
  • Nurture long-term relationships with your followers (and eventual clients!)


Abandon Cart [8 emails]

Stop losing out on potential sales! How many times have you popped something into a digital cart and then gotten distracted by something else and forgotten all about it? Life happens, but if you don’t have emails set to gently remind your future buyers what they’re missing out on, you’re missing a golden opportunity!


  • Stop warm leads from falling through the cracks
  • Automate a reminder message to gently nudge your buyer to make the right decision for them
  • Stay top of mind with your potential buyers and stop leaving $ on the table



Flash Sale [13 emails]

Need a quick cash injection for your business? Flash sales are a great way to maximize an exciting opportunity at an amazing price for a limited amount of time. These templates will help you give your email subscribers amazing value and a great deal!


  • Quick cash injection
  • Offer your list an amazing deal and tons of value in a limited time frame
  • Score first-time buyers


Beta Testers [2 emails]

Before you roll out your program, product, or service, you’ll need to find some savvy folks to try it out to be sure they get the results you’re promising.

These templates will help you find people to test-drive whatever next big, beautiful thing you’re bringing into the world so you can get honest feedback, social proof, and find out what your ideal clients really want.


  • Find the right people to test your program, product, or service
  • Get validation on what works and iron out what doesn’t
  • Offer a chance to work with you in exchange for honest feedback and testimonials



Pre-Launch [7 emails]

Ready to launch? The best strategy is to warm up your list and get them excited about what’s coming next. These email templates will get the right peeps hyped for when the cart is finally open! 


  • Warm up your list for your next big thing
  • Get people excited and ready to buy
  • Pre-qualify subscribers or allow them to opt-out of sales emails


Pre-Order Series [4 emails]

Did you know a pre-order launch can help offset the costs of your actual launch? Brilliant! This email template series is all about maximizing your potential to secure sales before your product or service is even released! Plus it gives your best and most loyal customers the chance to be the first to get their hands on the goods!


  • Offset the cost of your launch by taking pre-orders
  • Identify your most loyal followers and customers
  • Offer amazing bonuses for those that pre-order



Pre-Order Bonus [2 emails]

Loyalty deserves rewards! Deliver those extra-special bonuses to your extra-special customers who pre-ordered with this email just for your VIPs! 


  • Build buzz and anticipation for your offer
  • Deliver your goodies!
  • Reward your pre-ordering customers


Sales/Launch [10 emails]

One of the most important email series you’ll ever send, your launch emails need to hype, educate, highlight your expertise, articulate value, excite, motivate, and be a heart-to-heart conversation with your potential clients to help them make the best decision for them.

That’s a lot of heavy lifting for some emails! Don’t overthink it. Grab these templates and you’ll have everything you need for each phase of your launch and sales emails- from hype up to cart open to cart close.


  • Increase awareness and help educate potential customers about your brand and offering
  • Drive traffic to your landing pages and encourage them to take action
  •  Generate sales


Onboarding [4 emails]

The power of a white-glove onboarding process for your clients should not be overlooked! Your onboarding email series sets the tone for everything that happens next after they click that buy now button.

These templates will help you clearly communicate next steps, what they can expect, how to get the most out of their investment, and how thrilled you are to be on this journey with them!


  • Orient new customers and provide them with the info they need to get started
  • Improve user experience and foster loyalty
  • Set expectations by providing guidance


Support [3 emails]

Begin building a positive client experience that will have them raving about you to everyone they know. An email series template to help you provide the highest level of service by checking in periodically to ensure your customers, clients, and students are supported through and through.


  • Build and maintain strong relationships
  • Increase retention rates by keeping your brand top of mind
  • Direct clients towards their next steps so they are supported throughout the entire implementation of whatever they purchased


Survey [3 emails]

Wondering what your audience thinks but aren’t sure how to ask? Want to know exactly what your people want from you next? These templates will help you get the feedback you need to stay on top of your game and meet your ideal clients exactly where they are!


  • Gather valuable feedback
  • Enhance customer experience by identifying areas for improvement and addressing customer concerns
  • Involve your audience in the decision-making process and show that you value their input


Update Billing [1 email]

Feel awkward letting someone know their payment didn’t go through? This template has just the right words.


  • Ensure accurate billing and prevent cancellations
  • Build trust by demonstrating transparency and accountability
  • Reduce churn by allowing subscribers to update their payment information or subscription plan



Re-Energize [3 emails]

Has it been a while since you’ve emailed your list? What do you write to get your subscribers super engaged again? These templates are the answer!


  • Reactivate inactive subscribers
  • Improve email deliverability by improving sender reputation
  • Increase revenue by tapping into a previously untapped segment of your list


Showing Up [3 emails]

What to send to get them to attend and primed for what you have to offer. Going live for a workshop, interview, training, or a Q+A? Send these emails before to boost your show-up rates!


  • Boost show-up rates to your LIVE event
  • Increase engagement at your event
  • Expand your reach beyond your existing audience


Registration [5 emails]

Get people to your main event! This is the series to pump people up and get them to register for your webinar. You’ll come back to these templates, again and again, every time you’ve got something new to teach or offer.


  • Confirm attendance
  • Provide additional information about the event
  • Build excitement and anticipation



Webinar [7 emails]

What do you send after someone’s registered for your webinar? This series of emails takes your registrant from confirmation to conversion (the sale, baby!).


  • Increase attendance 
  • Offer a sneak peek of what they can expect to learn during webinar 
  • Nurture leads by providing targeted content and following up



Parting Ways [3 emails]

There will come a time when you’ll want to “clean” your list, or give subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while a chance to re-engage or unsubscribe. Breaking up doesn’t have to be hard to do…if you have the right words to do it!


  • Improve email list quality
  • Increase engagement
  • Save money by not paying for unengaged subscribers


Nurture [16 emails]

Nurture emails are the real bread and butter of your email marketing strategy- they provide the sustenance for a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Use these email templates to provide massive value. Give them an experience they’ll love so they want to open each and every email you send them!


  • Increase engagement and build relationships
  • Builds trust and offers value
  • Increase sales and drive revenue over time


250 Email Subject Lines

Knowing what subject lines to use is the difference between someone opening your email or skipping over it. And when someone skips over, they miss out on all the value you are offering (not to mention all the time spent writing the thing). 


  • Get people to open your emails
  • Capture attention
  • Convey the concise summary of what the email is about in a unique and human way


Setting Up Email Automation Tutorial

You can write the best emails, but at the end of the day, if you don’t have an automated process to send them, you just become a slave to your business. Setting up email automation is how you get your business to work for you and I know it can sometimes be confusing. That’s why I created a tutorial about how to set up your automated email funnel step by step so you don’t need to stress or hire a tech guru. 


  • Save time by eliminating repetitive tasks
  • Improve your efficiency by sending emails based on the actions the readers take 
  • Increase the engagement you have with your audience by building relationships while you sleep


Free Email Automation Template Funnel

Now that you have access to the email automation tutorial, I wanted to give you even more to make it even easier to set this up for your own business. I have included an already made template of my email automation funnel. Now all you have to do is follow the directions to import it as your own and choose which emails from the vault to use. Not only that, you’ll get access to two additional emails hidden inside this template funnel that aren’t included in the main vault. 


  • Save time and effort by not having to create a funnel from scratch
  • Use a results-driven framework that is proven and follows your customer’s journey
  • Walk your potential clients through the stages of the buying process on autopilot


8 Week Launch Planner

This 48-page launch planner is worth well over the $37 itself! If you ever want to launch anything, this will give you the step by step breakdown of what you will need to do 60 days out from your launch till launch day. Don’t worry, I cover post launch too. Full with calendars, planners, questions, checklists, and affirmations, this launch planner will set you up for success so you have an organized, structured, and calm launch. No more messy launches. 


  • Provides a structured approach so you can be organized and efficient
  • Feel calm and confident going into ‘cash collecting’ mode and step into your attracting power
  • Feel confident in your time management and let nothing fall through the cracks


116 Spam Trigger Words and Phrases To In Avoid In Email

Use these common trigger words and all the emails you send are heading straight to the Promotions, Spam, or Junk folders (and all the emails you send thereafter)… like for real. Prevent that misfortune by being intentional with your words and phrases. Can you use some of these in moderation?... Sure. But it’s best practice to avoid these as much as you can. Don’t spend time and money writing emails that people will never see because you could have changed a word or two.


  • Avoid spam filters and improve deliverability
  • Maintain a positive online reputation with your subscribers
  • Increase engagement by avoiding misleading language


Email Regulations To Follow

In recent years, there have been many global laws around sending emails as a business. It’s important that you follow the rules and incorporate each country’s laws if you will be sending emails to a global audience. This will ensure you maintain a professional presence online and shows that you operate with integrity and honesty. 


  • Follow legal requirements and be email compliant
  • Build trust with your audience by demonstrating that you respect your audience’s privacy and preferences
  • Improve deliverability and increase chances of your emails being read

The Email Vault just saved my life! With the help of the templates in this vault, I just set up my entire Lead Magnet Funnel with Welcome Sequence in less than 1 hour! 🤩 These templates are literally going to save me hours upon hours of writing copy and understanding what types of sequences I need to get set up and have in place. With over 100 emails and 19 different types of sequences, I just gained an understanding of conversations that I can be having with my audience, that I didn’t even know I needed! I know once I have these sequences set up and in place, this is going to completely elevate my brand positioning by giving my audience the recognition that they deserve. Thank you Meliss, you’re amazing marketing guidance has rescued me again! 🙌🏼💝

Crustal Alvarado
- Funnel Coach 4 Life Coaches

"Wow! I did not know any of this about email marketing. This is REALLY helpful! I now have a minimum of 2 years of content here!"

"This is so extensive, comprehensive, and personal. And everything you need is in there to be effective and convert!"

Imagine how much faster and easier writing and sending emails would be if you had:
  • A solid understanding of what, when, and how to write meaningful emails to create maximum connection, impact, and income 
  • Confidence that your emails are effective, engaging, and energizing to your sales flow and relationship-building endeavors
  • All of my proven email sequences in template form so you never have to wonder what to send to your list to get them interested and responding (whether this is your first time building an email list or if you’ve been doing it for years) 
  • ​A proven strategy to create emails that moves people from internet stranger to a customer who loves you and wants to learn more from you and buy from you 
  • ​Easy-to-use email tools and templates so you could just pick which series you need, fill in the blanks, and automate! 

To recap...

Ready to give ‘em what they want? No matter what fabulous freebie or goodies you have for your audience, you’ll need an email to deliver it! Your delivery emails are your first chance to make an impression and a real impact on your people…so you want them to SHINE!

With these templates, you’ll be able to quickly set up your delivery emails to be the start of a beautiful relationship with your list…so they keep coming back for more!
Would you invite someone to your party only for them to show up to an empty house? NO! Your email welcome series takes your ideal prospect from the delivery email into your world and keeps the party rolling!

With these templates, you can begin to build a real relationship with the newcomers to your list while showcasing your expertise and everything you have to offer.
  • ABANDON CART ($797)
Stop losing out on potential sales! How many times have you popped something into a digital cart and then gotten distracted by something else and forgotten all about it? Life happens, but if you don’t have emails set to gently remind your future buyers what they’re missing out on, you’re missing a golden opportunity!
  • FLASH SALE ($1297)
Need a quick cash injection for your business? Flash sales are a great way to maximize an exciting opportunity at an amazing price for a limited amount of time. These templates will help you give your email subscribers amazing value and a great deal!
  • BETA TESTERS ($197)
Before you roll out your program, product, or service, you’ll need to find some savvy folks to try it out to be sure they get the results you’re promising.

These templates will help you find people to test-drive whatever next big, beautiful thing you’re bringing into the world so you can get honest feedback, social proof, and find out what your ideal clients really want.
  • PRE-LAUNCH ($697)
Ready to launch? The best strategy is to warm up your list and get them excited about what’s coming next. These email templates will get the right peeps hyped for when the cart is finally open!
  • PRE-ORDER BONUS ($197)
Loyalty deserves rewards! Deliver those extra-special bonuses to your extra-special customers who pre-ordered with this email just for your VIPs! 
Did you know a pre-order launch can help offset the costs of your actual launch? Brilliant! This email template series is all about maximizing your potential to secure sales before your product or service is even released! Plus it gives your best and most loyal customers the chance to be the first to get their hands on the goods! 
  • SALES/LAUNCH ($997)
One of the most important email series you’ll ever send, your launch emails need to hype, educate, highlight your expertise, articulate value, excite, motivate, and be a heart-to-heart conversation with your potential clients to help them make the best decision for them.

That’s a lot of heavy lifting for some emails! Don’t overthink it. Grab these templates and you’ll have everything you need for each phase of your launch and sales emails- from hype up to cart open to cart close.
  • ONBOARDING ($397)
The power of a white-glove onboarding process for your clients should not be overlooked! Your onboarding email series sets the tone for everything that happens next after they click that buy now button.

These templates will help you clearly communicate next steps, what they can expect, how to get the most out of their investment, and how thrilled you are to be on this journey with them!
  • SUPPORT ($297)
Begin building a positive client experience that will have them raving about you to everyone they know. An email series template to help you provide the highest level of service by checking in periodically to ensure your customers, clients, and students are supported through and through.
  • SURVEY ($297)
Wondering what your audience thinks but aren’t sure how to ask? Want to know exactly what your people want from you next? These templates will help you get the feedback you need to stay on top of your game and meet your ideal clients exactly where they are!
Feel awkward letting someone know their payment didn’t go through? This template has just the right words.
  • RE-ENERGIZE ($297)
Has it been a while since you’ve emailed your list? What do you write to get your subscribers super engaged again? These templates are the answer! 
  • SHOWING UP ($297)
What to send to get them to attend and primed for what you have to offer. Going live for a workshop, interview, training, or a Q+A? Send these emails before to boost your show-up rates!
Get people to your main event! This is the series to pump people up and get them to register for your webinar. You’ll come back to these templates, again and again, every time you’ve got something new to teach or offer. 
  • WEBINAR ($697)
What do you send after someone’s registered for your webinar? This series of emails takes your registrant from confirmation to conversion (the sale, baby!).
  • PARTING WAYS ($297)
There will come a time when you’ll want to “clean” your list, or give subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while a chance to re-engage or unsubscribe. Breaking up doesn’t have to be hard to do…if you have the right words to do it! 
  • NURTURE ($1597)
Nurture emails are the real bread and butter of your email marketing strategy- they provide the sustenance for a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Use these email templates to provide massive value. Give them an experience they’ll love so they want to open each and every email you send them! 
Ready to give ‘em what they want? No matter what fabulous freebie or goodies you have for your audience, you’ll need an email to deliver it! Your delivery emails are your first chance to make an impression and a real impact on your people…so you want them to SHINE!

With these templates, you’ll be able to quickly set up your delivery emails to be the start of a beautiful relationship with your list…so they keep coming back for more!
  • ABANDON CART ($497)
Stop losing out on potential sales! How many times have you popped something into a digital cart and then gotten distracted by something else and forgotten all about it? Life happens, but if you don’t have emails set to gently remind your future buyers what they’re missing out on, you’re missing a golden opportunity!
  • BETA TESTERS ($197)
Before you roll out your program, product, or service, you’ll need to find some savvy folks to try it out to be sure they get the results you’re promising.

These templates will help you find people to test-drive whatever next big, beautiful thing you’re bringing into the world so you can get honest feedback, social proof, and find out what your ideal clients really want.
Did you know a pre-order launch can help offset the costs of your actual launch? Brilliant! This email template series is all about maximizing your potential to secure sales before your product or service is even released! Plus it gives your best and most loyal customers the chance to be the first to get their hands on the goods! 
  • SALES/LAUNCH ($297)
One of the most important email series you’ll ever send, your launch emails need to hype, educate, highlight your expertise, articulate value, excite, motivate, and be a heart-to-heart conversation with your potential clients to help them make the best decision for them.

That’s a lot of heavy lifting for some emails! Don’t overthink it. Grab these templates and you’ll have everything you need for each phase of your launch and sales emails- from hype up to cart open to cart close.
  • SURVEY ($97)
Wondering what your audience thinks but aren’t sure how to ask? Want to know exactly what your people want from you next? These templates will help you get the feedback you need to stay on top of your game and meet your ideal clients exactly where they are!
  • RE-ENERGIZE ($97)
Has it been a while since you’ve emailed your list? What do you write to get your subscribers super engaged again? These templates are the answer! 
Get people to your main event! This is the series to pump people up and get them to register for your webinar. You’ll come back to these templates, again and again, every time you’ve got something new to teach or offer.
  • PARTING WAYS ($97)
There will come a time when you’ll want to “clean” your list, or give subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while a chance to re-engage or unsubscribe. Breaking up doesn’t have to be hard to do…if you have the right words to do it!
A sweet, GIANT PDF (over 100 pages of goodness!) that gives you a birds-eye view of the entire digital toolkit, so you always have quick access to everything you need to create email campaigns with templates that WORK
You can write the best emails, but at the end of the day, if you don’t have an automated process to send them, you just become a slave to your business. Setting up email automation is how you get your business to work for you and I know it can sometimes be confusing. That’s why I created a tutorial about how to set up your automated email funnel step by step so you don’t need to stress or hire a tech guru. 
This 48-page launch planner is worth its weight in gold! If you ever want to launch anything, this will give you the step by step breakdown of what you will need to do 60 days out from your launch till launch day. Don’t worry, I cover post launch too. Full of calendars, planners, questions, checklists, and affirmations, this launch planner will set you up for success so you have an organized, structured, and calm launch. No more messy launches.
Would you invite someone to your party only for them to show up to an empty house? NO! Your email welcome series takes your ideal prospect from the delivery email into your world and keeps the party rolling!

With these templates, you can begin to build a real relationship with the newcomers to your list while showcasing your expertise and everything you have to offer.
  • FLASH SALE ($197)
Need a quick cash injection for your business? Flash sales are a great way to maximize an exciting opportunity at an amazing price for a limited amount of time. These templates will help you give your email subscribers amazing value and a great deal!
  • PRE-LAUNCH ($197)
Ready to launch? The best strategy is to warm up your list and get them excited about what’s coming next. These email templates will get the right peeps hyped for when the cart is finally open!
  • PRE-ORDER BONUS ($297)
Loyalty deserves rewards! Deliver those extra-special bonuses to your extra-special customers who pre-ordered with this email just for your VIPs! 
  • ONBOARDING ($97)
The power of a white-glove onboarding process for your clients should not be overlooked! Your onboarding email series sets the tone for everything that happens next after they click that buy now button.

These templates will help you clearly communicate next steps, what they can expect, how to get the most out of their investment, and how thrilled you are to be on this journey with them!
  • SUPPORT ($297)
Begin building a positive client experience that will have them raving about you to everyone they know. An email series template to help you provide the highest level of service by checking in periodically to ensure your customers, clients, and students are supported through and through.
Feel awkward letting someone know their payment didn’t go through? This template has just the right words.
  • SHOWING UP ($297)
What to send to get them to attend and primed for what you have to offer. Going live for a workshop, interview, training, or a Q+A? Send these emails before to boost your show-up rates!
  • WEBINAR ($297)
What do you send after someone’s registered for your webinar? This series of emails takes your registrant from confirmation to conversion (the sale, baby!).
  • NURTURE ($297)
Nurture emails are the real bread and butter of your email marketing strategy- they provide the sustenance for a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Use these email templates to provide massive value. Give them an experience they’ll love so they want to open each and every email you send them!
Your subject lines can make or break your open rates. Don’t lose the opportunity to get your subscribers' eyes on your stories, tips, and offers! These subject lines are like fun mad libs for your business and your message! Excite your audience with these tried and true formulas for subject lines that will get them clicking OPEN.
Now that you have access to the email automation tutorial, I wanted to give you even more to make it even easier to set this up for your own business. I have included an already made template of my email automation funnel. Now all you have to do is follow the directions to import it as your own and choose which emails from the vault to use. Not only that, you’ll get access to two additional emails hidden inside this template funnel that aren’t included in the main vault. 
Use these common trigger words and all the emails you send are heading straight to the Promotions, Spam, or Junk folders (and all the emails you send thereafter)… like for real. Prevent that misfortune by being intentional with your words and phrases. Can you use some of these in moderation?... Sure. But it’s best practice to avoid these as much as you can. Don’t spend time and money writing emails that people will never see because you could have changed a word or two.
A sweet, GIANT PDF (over 100 pages of goodness!) that gives you a birds-eye view of the entire digital toolkit, so you always have quick access to everything you need to create email campaigns with templates that WORK
Your subject lines can make or break your open rates. Don’t lose the opportunity to get your subscribers' eyes on your stories, tips, and offers! These subject lines are like fun mad libs for your business and your message! Excite your audience with these tried and true formulas for subject lines that will get them clicking OPEN. 
You can write the best emails, but at the end of the day, if you don’t have an automated process to send them, you just become a slave to your business. Setting up email automation is how you get your business to work for you and I know it can sometimes be confusing. That’s why I created a tutorial about how to set up your automated email funnel step by step so you don’t need to stress or hire a tech guru. 
Now that you have access to the email automation tutorial, I wanted to give you even more to make it even easier to set this up for your own business. I have included an already made template of my email automation funnel. Now all you have to do is follow the directions to import it as your own and choose which emails from the vault to use. Not only that, you’ll get access to two additional emails hidden inside this template funnel that aren’t included in the main vault. 
This 48-page launch planner is worth its weight in gold! If you ever want to launch anything, this will give you the step by step breakdown of what you will need to do 60 days out from your launch till launch day. Don’t worry, I cover post launch too. Full of calendars, planners, questions, checklists, and affirmations, this launch planner will set you up for success so you have an organized, structured, and calm launch. No more messy launches.
Use these common trigger words and all the emails you send are heading straight to the Promotions, Spam, or Junk folders (and all the emails you send thereafter)… like for real. Prevent that misfortune by being intentional with your words and phrases. Can you use some of these in moderation?... Sure. But it’s best practice to avoid these as much as you can. Don’t spend time and money writing emails that people will never see because you could have changed a word or two.
In recent years, there have been many global laws around sending emails as a business. It’s important that you follow the rules and incorporate each country’s laws into your email strategy if you will be sending emails to a global audience.
Get informed and put best practices into place so you can operate with professionalism, honesty, and integrity!

Total Value = $11,722

Today’s Price = $97
Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.

Hey, I'm Meliss Jakubovic.

I’m the Founder of Meliss Marketing, Author of #Expert, Host of The Marketing Tips With Meliss Podcast, and I’m here to help take the overwhelm out of growing an online business.

I believe that if you do the right work at the right time (even if you’re new to marketing) you can create a life and a business you love without burning out, getting stuck, or sacrificing what matters most.

As a marketing expert, I’ve helped THOUSANDS of business owners create content that connects and converts. And as a busy single mom who knows the value of an hour, I’ve made sure that the “how” is as efficient as possible.

I created the Email Vault to save you so. much. time. These email templates will literally replace hundreds of hours of writing.

The truth is, sending an email every once in a blue moon isn’t enough. It’s really about making sure your email marketing plan is consistent and STRATEGIC.

The emails you send should help your ideal clients SEE you, FEEL you, and ultimately, BUY from you.

If you’re ready to give your email list the love it deserves, the Email Vault is for you. 


  • Committed to showing up and sharing yourself to grow your email list
  • Excited to have a thriving business with ideal clients lining up to work with you
  • Ready to write and schedule strategic email content consistently
  •  Prepared to go ALL IN! 


  • Not interested in growing your business
  • ​Convinced that no effort you take will work in your favor
  • ​Unwilling to try something new
Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.
The truth is, I could easily sell this Email Vault for over $11,722

(or you could hire a copywriter to write all these emails for you to the tune of TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars…seriously. I’ve done it.)
My clients have used these emails and strategies to increase their open rates and consistently create strategic content for their subscribers’ inboxes that leads to SALES.
And I want YOU to have that opportunity too.
My Email Vault is easy to understand and based on STRATEGY, not fluff.

I tell you what, when, and how to send emails that CONVERT.
The Email Vault is designed to give you EVERYTHING YOU NEED to start (and continue!) sending meaningful and effective emails to wow your audience and make more sales.

For the price of 1 dinner, $11,722 worth of tools and templates are yours forever,
for just $97. 
Please note, this price is temporary! Act now.
Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.
Frequently Asked Questions

To recap...

Ready to give ‘em what they want? No matter what fabulous freebie or goodies you have for your audience, you’ll need an email to deliver it! Your delivery emails are your first chance to make an impression and a real impact on your people…so you want them to SHINE!

With these templates, you’ll be able to quickly set up your delivery emails to be the start of a beautiful relationship with your list…so they keep coming back for more!
Would you invite someone to your party only for them to show up to an empty house? NO! Your email welcome series takes your ideal prospect from the delivery email into your world and keeps the party rolling!

With these templates, you can begin to build a real relationship with the newcomers to your list while showcasing your expertise and everything you have to offer.
  • ABANDON CART ($797)
Stop losing out on potential sales! How many times have you popped something into a digital cart and then gotten distracted by something else and forgotten all about it? Life happens, but if you don’t have emails set to gently remind your future buyers what they’re missing out on, you’re missing a golden opportunity!
  • FLASH SALE ($1297)
Need a quick cash injection for your business? Flash sales are a great way to maximize an exciting opportunity at an amazing price for a limited amount of time. These templates will help you give your email subscribers amazing value and a great deal!
  • BETA TESTERS ($197)
Before you roll out your program, product, or service, you’ll need to find some savvy folks to try it out to be sure they get the results you’re promising.

These templates will help you find people to test-drive whatever next big, beautiful thing you’re bringing into the world so you can get honest feedback, social proof, and find out what your ideal clients really want.
  • PRE-LAUNCH ($697)
Ready to launch? The best strategy is to warm up your list and get them excited about what’s coming next. These email templates will get the right peeps hyped for when the cart is finally open!
  • PRE-ORDER BONUS ($197)
Loyalty deserves rewards! Deliver those extra-special bonuses to your extra-special customers who pre-ordered with this email just for your VIPs! 
Did you know a pre-order launch can help offset the costs of your actual launch? Brilliant! This email template series is all about maximizing your potential to secure sales before your product or service is even released! Plus it gives your best and most loyal customers the chance to be the first to get their hands on the goods! 
  • SALES/LAUNCH ($997)
One of the most important email series you’ll ever send, your launch emails need to hype, educate, highlight your expertise, articulate value, excite, motivate, and be a heart-to-heart conversation with your potential clients to help them make the best decision for them.

That’s a lot of heavy lifting for some emails! Don’t overthink it. Grab these templates and you’ll have everything you need for each phase of your launch and sales emails- from hype up to cart open to cart close.
  • ONBOARDING ($397)
The power of a white-glove onboarding process for your clients should not be overlooked! Your onboarding email series sets the tone for everything that happens next after they click that buy now button.

These templates will help you clearly communicate next steps, what they can expect, how to get the most out of their investment, and how thrilled you are to be on this journey with them!
  • SUPPORT ($297)
Begin building a positive client experience that will have them raving about you to everyone they know. An email series template to help you provide the highest level of service by checking in periodically to ensure your customers, clients, and students are supported through and through.
  • SURVEY ($297)
Wondering what your audience thinks but aren’t sure how to ask? Want to know exactly what your people want from you next? These templates will help you get the feedback you need to stay on top of your game and meet your ideal clients exactly where they are!
Feel awkward letting someone know their payment didn’t go through? This template has just the right words.
  • RE-ENERGIZE ($297)
Has it been a while since you’ve emailed your list? What do you write to get your subscribers super engaged again? These templates are the answer! 
  • SHOWING UP ($297)
What to send to get them to attend and primed for what you have to offer. Going live for a workshop, interview, training, or a Q+A? Send these emails before to boost your show-up rates!
Get people to your main event! This is the series to pump people up and get them to register for your webinar. You’ll come back to these templates, again and again, every time you’ve got something new to teach or offer. 
  • WEBINAR ($697)
What do you send after someone’s registered for your webinar? This series of emails takes your registrant from confirmation to conversion (the sale, baby!).
  • PARTING WAYS ($297)
There will come a time when you’ll want to “clean” your list, or give subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while a chance to re-engage or unsubscribe. Breaking up doesn’t have to be hard to do…if you have the right words to do it! 
  • NURTURE ($1597)
Nurture emails are the real bread and butter of your email marketing strategy- they provide the sustenance for a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Use these email templates to provide massive value. Give them an experience they’ll love so they want to open each and every email you send them! 
Ready to give ‘em what they want? No matter what fabulous freebie or goodies you have for your audience, you’ll need an email to deliver it! Your delivery emails are your first chance to make an impression and a real impact on your people…so you want them to SHINE!

With these templates, you’ll be able to quickly set up your delivery emails to be the start of a beautiful relationship with your list…so they keep coming back for more!
  • ABANDON CART ($797)
Stop losing out on potential sales! How many times have you popped something into a digital cart and then gotten distracted by something else and forgotten all about it? Life happens, but if you don’t have emails set to gently remind your future buyers what they’re missing out on, you’re missing a golden opportunity!
  • BETA TESTERS ($197)
Before you roll out your program, product, or service, you’ll need to find some savvy folks to try it out to be sure they get the results you’re promising.

These templates will help you find people to test-drive whatever next big, beautiful thing you’re bringing into the world so you can get honest feedback, social proof, and find out what your ideal clients really want.
  • PRE-ORDER BONUS ($197)
Loyalty deserves rewards! Deliver those extra-special bonuses to your extra-special customers who pre-ordered with this email just for your VIPs! 
  • SALES/LAUNCH ($997)
One of the most important email series you’ll ever send, your launch emails need to hype, educate, highlight your expertise, articulate value, excite, motivate, and be a heart-to-heart conversation with your potential clients to help them make the best decision for them.

That’s a lot of heavy lifting for some emails! Don’t overthink it. Grab these templates and you’ll have everything you need for each phase of your launch and sales emails- from hype up to cart open to cart close.
  • SUPPORT ($297)
Begin building a positive client experience that will have them raving about you to everyone they know. An email series template to help you provide the highest level of service by checking in periodically to ensure your customers, clients, and students are supported through and through.
Feel awkward letting someone know their payment didn’t go through? This template has just the right words.
  • SHOWING UP ($297)
What to send to get them to attend and primed for what you have to offer. Going live for a workshop, interview, training, or a Q+A? Send these emails before to boost your show-up rates!
  • WEBINAR ($697)
What do you send after someone’s registered for your webinar? This series of emails takes your registrant from confirmation to conversion (the sale, baby!).
Would you invite someone to your party only for them to show up to an empty house? NO! Your email welcome series takes your ideal prospect from the delivery email into your world and keeps the party rolling!

With these templates, you can begin to build a real relationship with the newcomers to your list while showcasing your expertise and everything you have to offer.
  • FLASH SALE ($1297)
Need a quick cash injection for your business? Flash sales are a great way to maximize an exciting opportunity at an amazing price for a limited amount of time. These templates will help you give your email subscribers amazing value and a great deal!
  • PRE-LAUNCH ($697)
Ready to launch? The best strategy is to warm up your list and get them excited about what’s coming next. These email templates will get the right peeps hyped for when the cart is finally open!
Did you know a pre-order launch can help offset the costs of your actual launch? Brilliant! This email template series is all about maximizing your potential to secure sales before your product or service is even released! Plus it gives your best and most loyal customers the chance to be the first to get their hands on the goods! 
  • ONBOARDING ($397)
The power of a white-glove onboarding process for your clients should not be overlooked! Your onboarding email series sets the tone for everything that happens next after they click that buy now button.

These templates will help you clearly communicate next steps, what they can expect, how to get the most out of their investment, and how thrilled you are to be on this journey with them!
  • SURVEY ($297)
Wondering what your audience thinks but aren’t sure how to ask? Want to know exactly what your people want from you next? These templates will help you get the feedback you need to stay on top of your game and meet your ideal clients exactly where they are!
  • RE-ENERGIZE ($297)
Has it been a while since you’ve emailed your list? What do you write to get your subscribers super engaged again? These templates are the answer! 
Get people to your main event! This is the series to pump people up and get them to register for your webinar. You’ll come back to these templates, again and again, every time you’ve got something new to teach or offer. 
  • PARTING WAYS ($297)
There will come a time when you’ll want to “clean” your list, or give subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while a chance to re-engage or unsubscribe. Breaking up doesn’t have to be hard to do…if you have the right words to do it! 
  • NURTURE ($1597)
Nurture emails are the real bread and butter of your email marketing strategy- they provide the sustenance for a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Use these email templates to provide massive value. Give them an experience they’ll love so they want to open each and every email you send them! 
A sweet, GIANT PDF (over 100 pages of goodness!) that gives you a birds-eye view of the entire digital toolkit, so you always have quick access to everything you need to create email campaigns with templates that WORK
Your subject lines can make or break your open rates. Don’t lose the opportunity to get your subscribers' eyes on your stories, tips, and offers! These subject lines are like fun mad libs for your business and your message! Excite your audience with these tried and true formulas for subject lines that will get them clicking OPEN. 
You can write the best emails, but at the end of the day, if you don’t have an automated process to send them, you just become a slave to your business. Setting up email automation is how you get your business to work for you and I know it can sometimes be confusing. That’s why I created a tutorial about how to set up your automated email funnel step by step so you don’t need to stress or hire a tech guru. 
Now that you have access to the email automation tutorial, I wanted to give you even more to make it even easier to set this up for your own business. I have included an already made template of my email automation funnel. Now all you have to do is follow the directions to import it as your own and choose which emails from the vault to use. Not only that, you’ll get access to two additional emails hidden inside this template funnel that aren’t included in the main vault. 
This 48-page launch planner is worth its weight in gold! If you ever want to launch anything, this will give you the step by step breakdown of what you will need to do 60 days out from your launch till launch day. Don’t worry, I cover post launch too. Full of calendars, planners, questions, checklists, and affirmations, this launch planner will set you up for success so you have an organized, structured, and calm launch. No more messy launches.
Use these common trigger words and all the emails you send are heading straight to the Promotions, Spam, or Junk folders (and all the emails you send thereafter)… like for real. Prevent that misfortune by being intentional with your words and phrases. Can you use some of these in moderation?... Sure. But it’s best practice to avoid these as much as you can. Don’t spend time and money writing emails that people will never see because you could have changed a word or two.
In recent years, there have been many global laws around sending emails as a business. It’s important that you follow the rules and incorporate each country’s laws into your email strategy if you will be sending emails to a global audience.

Get informed and put best practices into place so you can operate with professionalism, honesty, and integrity!

Total Value = $11,722

Today’s Price = $97
Due to the digital nature of this product, there are no refunds.
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